First lady (بانوی اول)

(دیدگاه 1 کاربر)

Artist: lady royayi

10,000,000 تومان

12 نفر در حال مشاهده این محصول هستند!
  • ● Art is with Iranians and that’s it! In Iranian culture and civilization, art is the most effective tool for mutual understanding and peace between nations, which prevents people from becoming enemies of each other. Civilization is the result of the influence of pious women! Nan Afarin website has been launched with the aim of growing and prospering the small businesses of Iranian women. Be aware that your personality is a role model for many women in Iran and you have many fans. Now, you, the first lady, are requested to be proud and by buying these paintings (black ink painting) Make us recognized and recognized. thank you.

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